The Doctoral of Hebrew Letters is open to very advanced, exceptional students only. This program offers training in advanced textual studies; planning, developing a syllabus for, and teaching an undergraduate course under the direction of the Academic Dean, and designing, implementing and presenting an appropriate research project.
The student will work primarily with a mentor, a senior member of the CYS College faculty, as well as in several tutorials (small group learning), directed readings and independent studies, will develop and teach a beginning-level course at CYS College under the direction of the Academic Dean, and will develop a doctoral project proposal, conduct original research, and present his or her findings to the College.
The D.H.L. degree will be awarded upon recommendation by the mentor and a majority vote of all College faculty. A minimum of 36 credit hours will be required; as each program is individualized, additional course work may be required, and the program would typically take three years beyond the M.H.L. (or high order rabbinic ordination, such as yadin yadin semicha), or 108 clock hours minimum. All courses are taught at CYS College. It is assumed that applicants for the D.H.L. will have learned the equivalent of our M.H.L. program and courses.
The D.H.L. builds upon proficiency in Talmud and Judaic Law and assumes appropriate spiritual qualities and personal development to become a leader of a community or a teacher, and to conduct independent research in topics of Jewish Studies.
Students will take four courses and/or independent research per term for a total of 36 credit hours.
GRADES: The work of each student is graded on the following scale: A (93 - 100%), A- (90 - 92%) Excellent, B+ (87 - 89%), B (83 - 86%), B- (80 - 82%) Good, C+ (77 - 79%), C (73 - 76%), C- (70 - 72%) Fair, D+ (67 - 69%), D (63 - 66%), D- (60 - 62%) Poor, F (below 50%) Failure, NC No credit, AU Audit, P Pass, W Withdrawn without penalty or prejudice, I Incomplete work.
D.H.L. courses are numbered between 800-999. 800-level courses are advanced background for doctoral studies and delve into the substance of one’s research topic, and 900-level are done in field work and writing up the project. D.H.L. students with the permission of their major professor make also take courses at the 500-699 level under certain circumstances.
TXT 800
Primary Texts 1 (3 credit hours)
Advanced study of selected primary texts in original languages, taught in a tutorial format. May be repeated with change in content.
TXT 801
Primary Texts 2 (3 credit hours)
Advanced study of selected primary texts in original languages, taught in a tutorial format. May be repeated with change in content.
PRO 800
Syllabus Construction (3 credit hours)
The student will plan an undergraduate course, including a syllabus giving weekly topics, course requirements, and evaluation methods.
PRO 801
Teaching Essentials (3 credit hours)
Basic pedagogy including use of electronic media and effecting grading.
PRO 810
Directed Teaching (3 credit hours)
Directed Teaching: Under direction of the Academic Dean, the student will teach the course s/he developed, under the supervision of the Academic Dean.
PRO 811
Teaching Seminar (3 credit hours)
An overview of the issues and problems in day-to=day college teaching, such as student conferences, methods of testing, writing assignments, use of technology in the classroom, etc.
RES 900
Doctoral Dissertation (3 credit hours)
Under the guidance of a Major Professor (to be selected) and the Dean of the College,the student will develop a cogent research proposal, construct a bibliography (This may have been accomplished in the MHL Research seminar.), conduct and analyze the research, ultimately culminating in RES 911, Dissertation Defense. Students will enroll continuously in RES 900 and meet with their Major Professor and the Dean on a regular basis.
RES 911
Dissertation Defense (3 credit hours)
The doctoral project will be presented to the College faculty, staff, and students.