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Faculty, Officers & Trustees


Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar

Faculty Members



Rabbi Sholom Dovber Lipskar


D. Div., Kollel Avreichim – Rabbinics

The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the College. He is charged with the overall vision of the institution, as well as the implementation of that vision.


Sholom Dovber Lipskar was ordained at the Central Lubavitch Yeshiva in Brooklyn in 1968, and pursued advanced studies at the Chabad Lubavitch Graduate School of Theology and Applied Rabbinics and at the Kollel Avreichim – Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Graduate School. He was appointed a Shliach (Emissary) by the world leader of Chabad Lubavitch, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, in 1969.  He was assigned to the Landow Yeshiva Center in Miami Beach, where he founded Yeshiva Gedolah Rabbinical College and served as Principal and Dean of elementary, secondary and high school studies.


In 1981 he founded The Shul, where he continues to serve as Head Rabbi. In the same year, he founded The Aleph Institute, a national Jewish education and humanitarian organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for the incarcerated and the military and their families; and the Educational Academy for the Elderly, where he is responsible for the development of pilot programs which restructure the educational priorities of elderly citizens. He has also been an Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies at Florida International University. In 2004, he established the Chaim Yakov Shlomo College of Jewish Studies (CYSCJS), an intensive academic institution granting smicha (rabbinic ordination), and offering Bachelor's and Masters degrees in Hebrew Letters, designed for lay professionals in the Jewish community.


Rabbi Lipskar teaches Jewish Philosophy and Mystical Traditions


Tel: (305) 868-1411 ext. 311


Dr. Nathan Katz

Professor Nathan Katz

Academic Dean

Ph.D., Temple University – Religion


The Academic Dean is the College’s Chief Academic Officer, charged with the development and implementation of all policies regarding faculty, staff, and students. He is also responsible for the college’s compliance with State of Florida regulations, its licensure and eventual accreditation, as well as for its relations with other academic, regulatory and religious institutions. He coordinates the College's public programs.


Nathan Katz (Ph.D., Temple University) recently retired from Florida International, as Distinguished Professor Emeritus and founding chair of its Department of Religious Studies, was Director of Jewish Studies and held the Bhagawan Mahavir Chair in Jain Studies. He has served on the fulltime faculties of University of South Florida, Williams College, and Naropa University. Arguably the world’s leading expert on Indian Jewish communities, he is the author of  fifteen books and over a hundred academic articles. He won four Fulbright grants, was a Finalist for the 2000 National Jewish Book Award in Sephardic Studies, won the 2004 Vak Devi Saraswati Award, and the 2000 FIU President’s Award for Achievement and Excellence.


He has been a designated Master Teacher at the Florida Center for Teachers twelve times, and in 1994 won the State University System Teaching Incentive Program Award.


Professor Katz teaches Sephardic Studies, Jewish Literature and History, especially the relation of Judaism to other religions.


Tel: (305) 868-1411 ext. 311


Rabbi Dov Schochet

Rabbi Dov Schochet

Rosh Yeshiva, B.H.L. Program, Placement and Admissions Director

Smicha Kollel Tiferes Menachem California – Rabbinics


The Rosh Yeshiva directs the B.H.L. and YorehYoreh Smicha program of the College. He is charged with developing and implementing the program, its policies and its curriculum, as well as for the academic and personal growth of its students.

Rabbi Schochet teaches Textual Studies, Jewish Law, Jewish Literature, Jewish History, Jewish Ethics and Jewish Philosophy.


Tel: (305) 868-1411 ext. 304


Rabbi Shea Rubinstein

Rabbi Shea Rubinstein

Faculty Member

Smicha, Yeshiva Gedola of Sydney – Rabbinics

Rabbi Shea Rubinstein was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  He attended the Chabad Lubavitch Schools and Yeshiva until he was 16 years old. After completing his Rabbinical studies in the Yeshiva Gedola of Kiriat Gat (Israel), the Rabbinical College of America (Morristown, NJ), Ohr Elchonon (Los Angeles, CA) and the Yeshiva Gedola of Sydney (Australia), he obtained his Smicha (ordination) in 1998.

Since October of 2001 he serves as the Adult Education Coordinator and director of the Jewish Latin American Connection program for The Shul.  Rabbi Rubinstein is a teacher and an experienced outreach director.

Rabbi Rubinstein teaches Bible Studies and Jewish Philosophy. His classes are offered in English and Spanish.

Tel: (305) 868-1411 ext. 342


Rabbi Zalman Lipskar

Vice President and Faculty Member

Smicha, Lubavitch Rabbinical College of Montreal, Canada - Rabbinics

Rabbi Zalman Lipskar was born in Miami to his illustrious parents, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Sholom and Chani Lipskar, Shluchim of the Rebbe. He grew up in an environment committed to benefiting society and making the world a better and holier place. He was educated at the Rabbinical College in Manchester, England and then at the Lubavitch Rabbinical College in Montreal, Canada, and later as a Shliach apprentice in South Africa. He was ordained in the Central Lubavitch Rabbinical College at 770 Eastern Parkway.  He is an Associate Rabbi at The Shul of Bal Harbour and serves as Vice President of Development. In his role as inspirational leader and innovative strategist, Rabbi Zalman Lipskar has proven his ability to cultivate an environment for a financially strong and spiritually connected Jewish community. He also serves as Chaplain for the Surfside and Bay Harbor Islands Police Department.

Rabbi Lipskar teaches Textual Studies and Jewish Philosophy.

Tel: (305) 868-1411 ext. 345


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Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar

Faculty Member

Beth Rivka Teachers Seminary, Brooklyn NY

Chani Lipskar is the Rebbetzin and co-founder of The Shul of Bal Harbour, together with her husband Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar, emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rebbe M.M. Schneerson OBM.  Mrs. Lipskar develops educational and social programs for The Shul, offers personal counseling and also works in Real Estate.  Mrs. Lipskar is active in many organizations and directs a class for Brides on how to establish a Jewish home.  Rabbi and Mrs. Lipskar have two children, twelve grandchildren and two great-granddaughters.

Rebbetzin Lipskar teaches Textual Studies

Tel: (305) 992-8363


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Mrs. Vivian Perez

Faculty Member

Brandeis University, Waltham MA

Mrs. Vivian Perez was born and raised in Lima, Peru. She is married to Mr. Michael Perez and they lived in Bogota, Colombia for several years before moving to Bal Harbour, FL in 1999.  She is a graduate in Political Science from Brandeis University. She currently teaches classes in Tanya and the Torah Portion of the Week, both in English and Spanish. Vivian and Michael and their family are long standing members of The Shul and very active in all communal and educational events.

Mrs. Perez teaches Textual Studies

Tel: (305) 213-3202






Mr. Justin Garcia

Chief Financial Officer


The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for maintaining records and overseeing the financial operations of the College.


Tel: (305) 868-1411 ext. 318                    


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Ms. Lydia Hasson

Chief Administrative Officer and Principal Designated School Officer (PDSO)


The Chief Administrative Officer and PDSO runs the administrative process and provides administrative support to the President and Dean.

Tel: (305) 868-1411 ext. 311



Executive Committee

The President, Vice-President, Rosh Yeshiva, Academic Dean, and Chief Administrative Officer comprise the Executive Committee, charged with the day-to-day operations of CYS College of Jewish Studies.

Board of Trustees

The members of the Board of Trustees (BOT) are: Rabbi Sholom Dovber Lipskar, Dr. Nathan Katz and Mr. David Wolf.


Members of the BOT are appointed by the Executive Committee for two year terms.  The BOT oversees the academic, administrative and financial operations of CYS College of Jewish Studies. The BOT will meet periodically, but not less frequently than twice a year, to establish, approve or reject, and regularly review all policies governing CYS College of Jewish Studies.

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Effective date: February 25, 2024

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